The Diocese of Fort Wayne - South Bend comprises 14 counties of northeastern Indiana and has a Catholic population of over 160,000.  There are 81 parishes throughout the Fort Wayne and South Bend areas.  The Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades was installed as the Bishop of Fort Wayne - South Bend on January 13, 2010.

Audio/Visual Specialist - St. Pius X, Granger (St. Pius Catholic Church)

Bookkeeper - St. Patrick Catholic Church, Fort Wayne (St. Patrick - Fort Wayne)

Church Cleaning - St. Anthony, Angola (St. Anthony - Angola)

Custodian, Part-Time - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church (St. Elizabeth Catholic Church)

Custodian/Groundskeeper - Queen of Peace Catholic Church (Queen of Peace Catholic Church)

Director of Catechesis and Family Ministry - Little Flower Catholic Church, South Bend (Little Flower Catholic Church)

Director of Liturgy & Music (Most Precious Blood Catholic Church)

Director of Religious Education (St. Bernard Catholic Church)

Director of Sacred Music - Our Lady of Good Hope, Fort Wayne (Our Lady of Good Hope Catholic Church)

Director of Sacred Music - St. Paul of the Cross, Columbia City (St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church)

Director of Youth Faith Formation - St. Vincent dePaul, Elkhart (St. Vincent dePaul - Elkhart)

Facility Maintenance Assistant - St. Joseph Catholic Church, Mishawaka (St. Joseph - Mishawaka)

Liturgical Music Director - St. Joseph Hessen Cassel, Fort Wayne (St. Joseph - Hessen Cassel)

Liturgical Musician - St. Joseph Hessen Cassel, Fort Wayne (St. Joseph - Hessen Cassel)

Maintenance (St. Jude - Fort Wayne)

We are looking for a "team player" to join us at St. Jude. This person helps maintain all parish buildings and grounds.

Organist/Cantor (St. Michael - Waterloo)

Organist/Cantor for Sat/Sun Masses
We are located 35 mins north of Fort Wayne, Indiana

Part-Time Maintenance - St. Jude, Fort Wayne (St. Jude - Fort Wayne)

Religious Education Coordinator (St. John - Goshen)

St. Anthony, Angola--Janitorial/Maintenance Position (St. Anthony - Angola)

St. Anthony, Angola--Youth and Young Adult Ministry Leader (St. Anthony - Angola)

Youth Ministry Coordinator - St. Jude, Fort Wayne (St. Jude - Fort Wayne)

If we don't currently have an open position in your area, you may submit a Resume

If you already have an application in progress you can retrieve and edit it by clicking here